What is going on with the earth? I think it's getting tired of people trashing it and polluting it. I think Jehovah is about ready to put an end to those who are destroying the global cycles, cutting down the forrests, dumping all sorts of wastes into the oceans, polluting the air we breathe and water we drink. There is a major volcano in Chili that is erupting. fires are out of control in Arizona, earthquakes daily in many places, E Coli sickening and making people die in Europe, more and more people have cancers. It's all signs of the end, and it's just around the corner. I have an analogy I like to tell people - we are in the toilet and it's been flushed, we are going around and around, waiting to go down the drain, and I hate to tell you, but we are on the last go-round!  For me, it can't come soon enough. I put my trust in my God, Jehovah.