Favorite Commercials

    I have a new favorite commercial - It's advertizing Wal-Mart and how you can find anything there. It shows a grandfather and his two grandsons out camping. The youngsters are snoring in their tent as the sun is coming up, but grandpa is ready to go fishing and needs the boys up NOW! So grandpa gets out the reliable air horn and let's 'em have it. He chuckles as the tent rolls away down a hill with the boys inside. I think it's hilarious! Go grandpa!
    What is going on with the earth? I think it's getting tired of people trashing it and polluting it. I think Jehovah is about ready to put an end to those who are destroying the global cycles, cutting down the forrests, dumping all sorts of wastes into the oceans, polluting the air we breathe and water we drink. There is a major volcano in Chili that is erupting. fires are out of control in Arizona, earthquakes daily in many places, E Coli sickening and making people die in Europe, more and more people have cancers. It's all signs of the end, and it's just around the corner. I have an analogy I like to tell people - we are in the toilet and it's been flushed, we are going around and around, waiting to go down the drain, and I hate to tell you, but we are on the last go-round!  For me, it can't come soon enough. I put my trust in my God, Jehovah.
My daughter, Jessica, is an up-and-coming photographer in the South Louisiana area. I have to say that she is doing very well with her photography! I've seen most of the photos she has taken and they are outstanding! I know I'm a little bit biased because she's my daughter, but in all fairness, she does a really good job. If you would like to judge for yourself, you can go to her website and look at the photos she has taken. The website is: http://jessicabrennerphotography.com/ I promise you won't be disappointed.
Me as a Commercial Critic

I guess I watch too much television. I see so many commercials, and I seem to have an opinion about every single one of them. I think I'm going to start making lists of them - like for instance:

           My favorite commercials

Geico commercials
 New Pepsi commercial where the two guys are at a diner and they hear the song - "Why can't we be friends". The pepsi guy scoots over next to the Coke guy and offers him a Pepsi Zero. The Coke guy takes it and starts drinking and the Pepsi guy is taking video of him drinking it. Then the Coke guy realizes that the Pepsi guy is going to put the video on YouTube, you see them breaking out the window of the diner while they fight. It's hilarious! I'm still a Coke person myself though, and won't drink Pepsi.

           Commercials I hate

Any car selling, most of the cellphone selling commercials.

           Commercials that make me laugh 

 There was one commercial that I loved to watch. It was of a family in a car, the two boys in the back seat. The older boy tells his mother who is in the front -"Mom! I need more minutes for my phone." He holds up his cellphone. She turns around and tells him she just gave him minutes. He tells her yeah, but those were roll over minutes. The mom just glares at him, she looks like she would love to just smack him upside his head. This commercial isn't playing any more, but I still love it! I guess because I can relate to it. I've felt that way with my kids very often.

I think the way to get me to buy things is to make a commercial that is funny and something that will be remembered.

Stupid commercials

Some commercials seem very stupid. Like the ones with the guy on a tree branch jumping up and down until it falls on a car. I mean yeah, it does make a point, But it's still stupid. And I know these commercials don't air any more but the ones where they showed the cellphone bars in everyday items, like a stack of papers, or a bunch of buildings in a row or some other things. Some of them I never got, but then they would only show it for a few seconds at the most, so you had to have a fast eye.

Sad commercials

I know you aren't going to believe it, but there was a commercial that would make me cry when I saw it. It was one where the pregnant woman asks her husband to go get her some ice cream and so he grabs his keys and gets in his car, he backs out into the road and wham! A car comes around the corner and hits him! The message was to fasten your seat belt every time you get in your car, no matter how short the drive is going to be. I just thought it was so sad that this man got hurt or killed and his wife was about ready to have a baby.

Creepy Commercials

Burger King tops the list on this one. What is up with the creepy king outfit? I recently heard that BK was almost bankrupt, it's not a wonder with their stupid/creepy commercials! I wasn't sure if I should put these commercials in the stupid category or that it deserved it's own category. But since there are several of them out there, I opted for the category of it's own.

I'm sure I can think of some more categories for commercials, just give me a day or two.